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Root canal treatments



Root canal treatments

Inside your tooth, beneath the white enamel and a hard layer called dentin, is a soft tissue called pulp. This tissue contains blood vessels, nerves and connective tissue, which help grow the root of your tooth during its development. A fully developed tooth can survive without the pulp because the tooth continues to be nourished by the tissues surrounding it.

Root canal treatment principles

If the pulp is no longer vital or has been damaged by inflammation- the only trusted and possible way to avoid complications in the future is removal of the last remaining pulp from the tooth and canals and then filling the dental cavity which is called pulpectomy. 

Treatment stages

If the tooth is vital or it is dead- the treatment does not get effected by that except in case when root canal is re-treated ( in this case the procedure is called root canal retreatment ). Any root canal treatment can be divided into these stages below.

  1. Opening of the tooth and getting into the pulpThe dentist drills an opening into the tooth and then the pulp can be reached. In most cases the pulp is already open when only widening the opening is enough to remove the pulp and get through to root canals.
  2. Finding the root canals Once the dentist reaches the pulp, it is widely opened to reach the root canals which are at the bottom of the pulp. Front teeth normally have 1 root canal and 1 entrance. Middle teeth have 1-2 root canals and 1-2 entrances. The wisdom teeth have the biggest number of root canals which reaches 3-4 and accordingly 3-4 entrances.
  3. Root canals are completely covered to the top. Once the root canal entrance is located, the completely whole root canal needs to be treated and cleaned. Wide and straight root canal reaching is quite simple with only a few movements of endodontic dental tools however narrow and bent root canals reach is more complicated.
  4. Root canal cleaning and widening On average root canals are of irregular form, reminding you of an oval. When treated with endodontic medical tools looks a little more round on the cross section. While cleaning the root canal- inflammated or dead pulp is being removed with a special instrument. Root canal widening is needed for better reach for disinfectant squids and solutions which melt bacteria and the cause of inflammation. This procedure helps long term safer and healthier filling of the tooth and the standard size of the filling is always bigger that before the procedure.
  5. Sealing the root canal After widening, cleaning and the formation of the root canals- it is than sealed with special filling materials.
  6. Restoration of tooth For a proper functioning of the tooth after the whole root canal treatment- it still might be suggested to do filling or prosthetics on certain teeth. Depending on each individual case, one might need prosthetics or further filling and for someone else this might be enough. Front teeth on average statistic does not require further procedures however wisdom teeth might need it as it receives much greater force because if chewing, and if it weakens - it might crack or break.


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