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Best to use at temperature 23°C.

  1. Thoroughly brush your teeth using a toothbrush and floss.
  2. Take off the syringe barrel. Place a small amount of the whitening gel into the kappa, one whitening gel syringe should be enough for the upper and lower teeth whitening procedure. Always keep the syringe barrel closed.
  3. Place the kappa on your teeth respectfully, lower or upper. Try not to squeeze it.
  4. If you feel that the whitening gel is getting on your gums or your palate, remove it by your toothbrush or your finger.
  5. Wear your kappas at least for 2hours during the day or throughout the night, your denstist will give you recommendations.
  6. While wearing your kappas do not eat, drink or smoke.
  7. After using the kappas, wash it with a toothbrush and warm water, dry it and keep it in the special box. Brush your teeth carefully not leaving any whitening gel on your teeth.

Please do not use an excessive amount of the whitening gel- it will not fasten the results. Do avoid sour foods and drinks ( coke, citrus fruit drinks ) as it may increase the sensitivity. We would suggest avoiding coffee, tea, red wine and smoking - this will delay getting the results you wish. You should see results within 4-7days. Depending on each case personally- it may take even months for the treatment to be completed, without any damage to your teeth structure.

Keep the whitening gel in the fridge however not the freezer. Keep it away from heat and direct sunlight.

  • Bleeding. It is natural to bleed after a tooth extraction- 30min after the extraction, put light pressure and bite on the cotton tampon the dentist/ surgeon places in your mouth. If the bleeding does not stop, after the dentist/ surgeon changes the cotton tampon- hold it for another 20minutes. If needed- repeat it.
  • Smoking and alcohol After a tooth extraction do not smoke for at least 4-5hours, it damages the healing of the wound. Do not use any alcohol for 24hours after the procedure.
  • Rinsing. Do not rinse your teeth for the first 24hours after the procedure. You may drink warm drinks however no rinsing and no spitting as you may remove a blood clot from the wound. Few days later you may rinse with disinfecable solution, especially after eating.
  • Swelling. For less swelling, we recommend to use an ice bag wrapped into a towel, place it on the cheek next to the tooth which was extracted. You should be doing this for 30min in 30min intervals, making breaks for 1-2hours.
  • Pain management. For mild to medium strength pain- do not use painkillers which have blood thinners. If it was a complicated surgery- use the painkillers prescribed by your dentist/ surgeon.
  • Food. We recommend light, soft and warm food for the first 24hours, chew your food with the untreated side.
  • Stitches. If the wound was stitched up with soluble threads- you will not need further dentist appointment. If regular threads were used- you will need to see your dentist / surgeon in a week to remove it.
  • Medication. If there were any medication prescribed- use it only in the recommended doses.
  • Hygiene. The correct oral hygiene will accelerate the healing. Be careful for the first days not to damage the wound, brush your teeth carefully, rinse.

If none of this has helped you, please do get in touch with your dentist..

You may feel short-term discomfort after having a dental implant procedure, there might be soft surrounding tissue swelling, thawing, bruising.

For less swelling, we recommend placing ice bag wrapped into a towel on the cheek next to the tooth procedure you had. You should do it for 15min with 10min break, during the first two days- 5-10 times a day.

You may eat after the painkillers wear off. For the first 24hours we recommend light, soft and warm food. Chew your food with the untreated side of the mouth. Do not rinse your mouth for the first 24hours after the surgery, do not touch the wound with your fingers or your tongue. After the 24hours start rinsing carefully with salt solution ( 1 tea spoon of salt in a glass of warm heated water ). It is recommended to rinse 4-10 times a day, for 5-9days. Use the prescribed medication. Avoid getting cold, avoid physical exertion, do not do sports, do not sunbathe for 48hours after the surgery.

If you have a temporary prosthetic tooth for the implant- it must be fixed by your dentist.

Do not smoke for at least 4-5hours after the surgery, it damages the healing of the wound. Do not drink alcohol the whole time antibiotics have been prescribed ( 5-7 days ).

If the wound was stitched up with soluble threads, it will dissolve on it’s own. However if you feel discomfort- it may be removed after 10days by your dentist. If the threads are not dissolvable- it will have to be removed by your dentist after 10days.

The proper oral hygiene will accelerate healing and will decrease the risk of complications. During the first days after the procedure be very careful to not damage the wound or the stitching. Brush the teeth next to the implant softly, rinse more often. If the metal part of the implant is visible after the surgery, it must be cleaned thoroughly. For the care of the implant, you should use special brushes.

It is very important to have a follow up appointment with your dentist after a week of the surgery.

If none of this has helped you, please do get in touch with your dentist..

  1. Non-removable dental prosthetics are made personally for each patient taking into account mucus and dental anatomy.
  2. The prosthetics are made from EU certified materials.
  3. If the prosthetic is causing pain or stresses the occlusion, you shall see your dentist immediately.
  4. It is advised not to chew very hard form of food with your prosthetic tooth ( sugar blocks, caramels, dried bread ), as the prosthetic tooth might crack or break. We would not recommend soft and sticky food products.
  5. It is not recommended to eat hot and cold food at the same time, due to sudden food temperature changes- expansion and shrinking of the prosthetics may cause cracking.
  6. After eating, it is necessary to look after your prosthetic tooth as if it was natural- brush it with toothbrush and rinse. It is recommended to brush your teeth twice a day- morning and evening, after food. It is recommended as well to floss at least once a day or clean the gaps between teeth with a special brush. Your dentist, if needed, can suggest and pick the suitable products for you oral hygiene.
  7. If you do sports especially the contact sports- it is advised to use protection kappas which protect your non-removable dental prosthetics, oral soft tissues and your natural teeth from traumas and damage.
  8. If you grind your teeth, it is important you let your dentist know about this. Depending on individual situation, one might need a special unti-grinding kappa which will protect your non-removable dental prosthetics, your natural teeth from potential cracks, wearing off, as well as the kappa would relax tense chewing muscles.
  9. Professional oral hygiene- oral hygiene when oral hygienist cleans above gums and under- soft and hard tartar and plaque, the hygienist helps everyone individually form healthy habits, offers care products to better your oral health. Even if you look after your teeth and dental prosthetics impeccably- there will always be areas which are difficult to reach, there is risk of tartar and plaque formation. It is essential to have oral hygiene procedures as often as your dentist recommends.
  10. Your mouth mucus and teeth anatomy are constantly changing, however the dental prosthetics remain the same- sometimes some corrections might be needed.
  1. Removable prosthetics can at first make talking more difficult, chewing, can increase sialorrhea even vomiting. Wearing your prosthetics regularly makes one get used to it and those symptoms disappear within 2-3 weeks.
  2. If the removable prosthetics make you feel discomfort or pain, you should see your dentist. It is recommended not to remove the prosthetics for 6-7hours before going to see your dentist so the dentist can diagnose exactly what the issue is. It is not advised to adjust the removable prosthetics by yourself in any way.
  3. It is recommended to remove the prosthetics for the night, wash it well and leave it in disinfected solution. Before you use it again- do wash it with cold water. The first 3-4 days it is allowed to leave the prosthetics in the mouth even during the night.
  4. There are other solutions like pastes, powder and certain liquids which help attach the prosthetics for the day so that food doesn’t get under it and doesn’t cause inflammation.
  5. It is essential that you wash your removable prosthetics with a toothbrush and cold water, hot water might damage it.
  6. To avoid cracks and breaking of the prosthetics- do avoid chewing hard foods such as sugar blocks, nuts.
  7. If your removable prosthetics do break- bring it to your dentist- prosthetics specialist for repair. It is not advised to use broken removable prosthetics, it might make the prosthetics irreparable.
  8. If you choose not to wear your prosthetics for a certain longer period of time- your mouth and teeth anatomy might change and the same prosthetics might not be suitable anymore.
  9. The soft tissues under and around your removable prosthetics change overtime and you will need to change it after 1,5-2years, next ones in 4-5years.