Aesthetic dentistry

Aesthetic or cosmetic dentistry is the type of modern dentistry doesn't only beautify teeth but also your gums and/or bite. It's specifically used to improve your mouth shape and smile quality that can even extend all the way towards improvement of the function of the teeth in terms of its bite form and force. If the dental damage is minimal- this type of procedure helps restore the most natural state of the tooth.
We recommend to our patients this procedure if:
- Have cavity-damaged dental tissue.
- Need to restore natural tooth colour or transparency.
- Need restoration of worn or broken tissue.
- Wish to fill the gap or space between two teeth ( diastema ).
- Need to restore position, shape or structure of your teeth after a trauma.
Why is it important to restore damaged teeth ( by having aesthetic dentistry procedure ) ?
- Damaged and untreated teeth start to wear out.
- Due to untreated impaired enamel- nerve canals are stimulated and the tooth becomes sensitive and painful.
- Tooth sensitivity does not allow us to eat or drink hot, cold, sweet or sour.
- Damaged and untreated teeth are frail, it is easily affected by bacteria which causes various disease.
- Unrestored dental tissue causes cavity formation which causes pain and eventually disease.
Root canal treatments

Root canal treatments
Inside your tooth, beneath the white enamel and a hard layer called dentin, is a soft tissue called pulp. This tissue contains blood vessels, nerves and connective tissue, which help grow the root of your tooth during its development. A fully developed tooth can survive without the pulp because the tooth continues to be nourished by the tissues surrounding it.
Root canal treatment principles
If the pulp is no longer vital or has been damaged by inflammation- the only trusted and possible way to avoid complications in the future is removal of the last remaining pulp from the tooth and canals and then filling the dental cavity which is called pulpectomy.
Treatment stages
If the tooth is vital or it is dead- the treatment does not get effected by that except in case when root canal is re-treated ( in this case the procedure is called root canal retreatment ). Any root canal treatment can be divided into these stages below.
Opening of the tooth and getting into the pulp
The dentist drills an opening into the tooth and then the pulp can be reached. In most cases the pulp is already open when only widening the opening is enough to remove the pulp and get through to root canals.
Finding the root canals
Once the dentist reaches the pulp, it is widely opened to reach the root canals which are at the bottom of the pulp. Front teeth normally have 1 root canal and 1 entrance. Middle teeth have 1-2 root canals and 1-2 entrances. The wisdom teeth have the biggest number of root canals which reaches 3-4 and accordingly 3-4 entrances.
Root canal reaching
Once the root canal entrance is located, the completely whole root canal needs to be treated and cleaned. Wide and straight root canal reaching is quite simple with only a few movements of endodontic dental tools however narrow and bent root canals reach is more complicated.
Root canal cleaning and widening
On average root canals are of irregular form, reminding you of an oval. When treated with endodontic medical tools looks a little more round on the cross section. While cleaning the root canal- inflammated or dead pulp is being removed with a special instrument. Root canal widening is needed for better reach for disinfectant squids and solutions which melt bacteria and the cause of inflammation. This procedure helps long term safer and healthier filling of the tooth and the standard size of the filling is always bigger that before the procedure.
Sealing the root canal
After widening, cleaning and the formation of the root canals- it is than sealed with special filling materials.
Restoration of tooth
For a proper functioning of the tooth after the whole root canal treatment- it still might be suggested to do filling or prosthetics on certain teeth. Depending on each individual case, one might need prosthetics or further filling and for someone else this might be enough. Front teeth on average statistic does not require further procedures however wisdom teeth might need it as it receives much greater force because if chewing, and if it weakens - it might crack or break.
Therapeutic dentistry

Not such a fun fact about dentistry - 90% of Lithuanians have cavity. And even Worldwide this is the most common health problem in children and adults.
Cavities are permanently damaged areas in the hard surface of your teeth that develop into tiny openings or holes. Cavities, also called tooth decay or caries, are caused by a combination of factors, including bacteria in your mouth, lack of vitamins, too much carbohydrates in your diet- frequent snacking, sipping sugary drinks, and not cleaning your teeth well.
If cavities aren't treated, they get larger and affect deeper layers of your teeth. They can lead to a severe toothache, infection and tooth loss. Regular dental visits and good brushing and flossing habits are your best protection against cavities and tooth decay.
What one might think that cavity is not urgent to treat or sounds innocent, well that is quite the opposite and might cause larger health issues:

- your teeth feel sensitive to cold, warm or sour food or drinks
- when one has a toothache- chewing function is impaired which causes disfunction of gastric juices production and which leads to food indigestion, stomach inflammation and gastric ulcer.
- untreated cavity can damage the root canals and this might lead to extraction of the tooth itself.
Regular visits to your dentist is great prevention to any of the issues mentioned above , catching cavity early is not only beneficial to your health but as well your finances.
At Preidenta our team of dentists use the most modern and advanced technologies as well as different types of fillings.
Dental implantation

Dental implant placement is the most advanced, reliable and durable tooth restoration method nowadays. If implants and crowns are properly looked after, they will last for a lifetime. Besides, it is a long-term investment into your perfect smile and a way to get back your ability to chew food as with your own natural teeth.
Dental implantation is the only way to restore the whole tooth from root to crown. As regards any other method (for example, dental crowns), they may help to restore only the visible part of the tooth. Moreover, teeth replacement using dental implants is possible no matter how many teeth are missing: one, a few in a row or even all. Around 97- 98 % of implantation procedures are successful.
Success or failure of implants depends on the health of the person receiving the treatment, drugs which affect the chances of osseointegration, and the health of the tissues in the mouth. The amount of stress that will be put on the implant and fixture during normal function is also evaluated. Planning the position and number of implants is key to the long-term health of the prosthetic since biomechanical forces created during chewing can be significant.
Kodėl verta rinktis implantavimą?
- Visų pirma tai neišimami protezai, yra labai estetiški, atrodo, kaip natūralūs dantys.
- Losing teeth means long-term prosthetics.
- Nereikia šlifuoti greta defekto esančių dantų.
- By restoring chewing function, chewing pressure is also distributed to the jaw, thus preventing bone loss.
- Protezavimas implantais draugauja su visais kt. dantų protezavimo būdais, kaip antai karūnėlės, tiltai, išimami protezai.
- The biggest advantage is that it is usually the only way to avoid removable dentures.

An implant is a small metal post which is placed into the jawbone. It replaces the natural tooth root.
Dental implants are made of titanium, which is extremely compatible with the human body: it integrates with the jawbone perfectly, it does not cause allergies and it is not rejected by the immune system.
Following the minimally invasive surgery an artificial crown is fixed on the implant, whose neither appearance nor functionality differ from the natural tooth.
At Preidenta Clinic we as well do adjustable bone regeneration (RKR) technique surgery and sinus lift surgery.
Dental prosthetics

Svarbiausias dantų protezavimo uždavinys yra atstatyti kramtymo funkciją ir tik po to visi trūkumų šalinimo etapai.
Dėl įvairių priežasčių kartais atkurti danties plombinėmis medžiagomis negalima. Dantų protezavimas daugeliui asocijuojasi su bedante burna, prasta estetine išvaizda, kramtymo funkcijos sutrikdymu ir t.t. Šiandien pacientams dėka naujų technologijų galime pasiūlyti labai daug dantų protezavimo variantų.
Protezuojama,jei yra prarasta nemaža dalis dantų, dantis nulūžęs, ar kitokiu atveju, kai nėra nuosavų dantų,šiuos defektus galima ištaisyti su protezais.
Types of dental prosthetics
Tai gali būti metalo keramikos vainikėliai, tiltai, bemetalė keramika, protezai ant implantų, plokštelės, lanko atraminai protezai (jie bus išimami). Bemetalės keramikos protezai dažniausiai naudojami priekinių dantų srityje, nes kiekvienam pacientui labai svarbi estetinė išvaizda. Bemetalė keramika praleidžia šviesos spindulius, todėl šie protezai atrodo ypač natūraliai.
Metalo keramikos protezai gaminami, išliejus metalinį karkasą ir jį padengiant keramikos masėmis pagal individualią spalvą. Dėka naujų technologijų šiandien nereikia bijoti, kad dirbtiniai dantys atrodys „dirbtinai“. Mūsų klinikoje įmanoma pasiekti aukščiausią estetinį vaizdą dėka esančios nuosavos dantų technikų laboratorijos.
Odontologijos klinika‚ „Preidenta“ yra pasirašiusi sutartį su Klaipėdos ligonių kasomis, todėl dantų protezai pensijinio amžiaus žmonėms, vaikams iki 18 m. ir neįgaliems, kompensuojami iš (Privalomojo sveikatos draudimo fondo biudžeto 9PSDF) lėšų pagal Sveikatos apsaugos ministro nustatytą tvarką.
Bedantei burnai mūsų dantų technikų laboratorija pagamins kokybiškus dantų protezus, kas Jums suteiks džiaugsmą.
Susigrąžinkite džiaugsmą ir gyvenimo kokybę.
- ir mes Jums padėsime.
Oral surgery

Oral surgery is any of a number of medical procedures that involve artificially modifying dentition; in other words, surgery of the teeth, gums and jaw bones.
Tooth extraction is the most common dental surgery procedure and is performed by a dentist or oral surgeon and is a relatively quick outpatient procedure with either local, general, intravenous anesthesia, or a combination. Removing visible teeth is a simple extraction. Teeth that are broken, below the surface, or impacted require a more involved and complicated procedure.
However first of all we will have a look at every situation individually and evaluate if tooth extraction is absolutely needed, in some cases it is possible to save the tooth by different kinds of treatments. In the long run, having your own natural teeth is more beneficial health wise and financially.
The most common reasons to have a tooth removed:
- severe tooth decay;
- periodontal diseases;
- a fractured tooth;
- treatment of the malocclusion;
- wisdom tooth removal.
More and more often wisdom teeth fail to erupt or only partially emerge and come in crooked, which leads to painful crowding and disease. In this case the extraction of such wisdom teeth is recommended as they may cause the following conditions:
crowding of the other teeth, particularly the front ones; dissolution of the adjacent tooth root; temporomandibular joint (TMJ) pain or discomfort; preparing mouth cavity for prosthetic treatment.
Mouth surgery services:
- Complicated or surgical removal of wisdom or other teeth
- Surgical removal of non-cut teeth or embryos of teeth
- Tongue and lip bow plastics
- Tongue and lip bow plastics
- Resections of the apex of dental roots
- Surgical treatment of various inflammatory diseases of teeth
- Soft tissue plastics ( gums plastics )
Oral hygiene

Today fortunately we live in health conscious society and oral health and hygiene is as important. The most important daily oral hygiene routine is using different kinds of toothpastes at home and this is our own personal responsibility however in some cases this is not enough, in many cases professional oral hygiene is recommended- on average a dentist would recommend it 1-4times a year.
Regular professional oral hygiene provides permanent protection against tooth decay and periodontitis. These diseases are caused by bacteria, which "settle" on the surface of the tooth and gingival sulcus. They convert sugar and other carbohydrates into acids and damage tooth’s structure. Long-term effects are widely known – tooth cavities and gum diseases which, in advanced stages, can become the reason of tooth loss.
Professional oral hygiene is performed using a combination of Air-flow system and ultrasonic scaler.
Air-flow perfectly removes soft and hard dental plaque from the tooth surface, fissures, pits and interdental spaces. Dental hygiene is performed using special powder in combination with water and compressed air flow which is safe both for tooth surface and gums. It effectively removes dental plaque which accumulated because of smoking, black tea, coffee and other staining foods consumption. Therefore teeth appear brighter after the procedure.

Ultrasound is used to remove supragingival and subgingival calculus, as well as inflammatory granulations, microorganisms and their toxins from gingival pockets. Such professional dental hygiene is essential to maintain healthy periodontal tissues and/or to stop disease progression. Gingival pockets are sterilized by laser.
Professional oral hygiene is carried out by trained specialist – dental hygienist. His/her task is to take care of the gums and surrounding tissues health, to teach patients correct individual oral hygiene, to familiarize in general with oral hygiene and its importance.
Teeth whitening

Teeth whitening in kappas
During your first visit to the dentist, they will first take the prints of your teeth for kappas which will be made individually for you. You will be placing the whitening gel into these kappas, 10-22% carbamide peroxide. Carbamate peroxide is hydrogen peroxide that has been broken down into carbamate crystals. For a longer lasting effect carbamate peroxide whitens the teeth for a longer period of time than hydrogen peroxide. 1% hydrogen peroxide equals 2,765% carbamate peroxide. Because of this characteristic carbamate dioxide is the most often used active ingredient for teeth whitening in kappas. We recommend using teeth whitening kappas with the whitening gel during the day 2-4hrs or during the night time. The whitening treatment takes 10days.

X-Ray diagnostics

There are often situations when a thorough examination of the patient's dental condition at the first visit or treatment may not be sufficient just for an external oral examination.
We use digital X-rays to help determine the position of one or more tooth roots, their canals, surrounding teeth or cavities.
This provides sufficient information for the accurate treatment and for the patient, performing a digital radiograph is completely safe and reliable.
A digital X-ray is taken while the patient is sitting in the dental chair and the resulting image is immediately visible on a computer screen. After the dentist can use the functions of a computer program to modify the images in the picture, measure the required segments and perform other examination functions.

National Health Insurance Fund
Klinikoje yra teikiamos protezavimo paslaugos asmenims, kuriems skiriama kompensacija iš Klaipėdos teritorinių ligonių kasų.
Trumpai apie dantų protezavimo paslaugų teikimą ir išlaidų kompensavimą:
- Nuo 2021m. sausio 1d. keičiasi PSDF kompensacijos tvarka dėl dantų protezavimo:
- Kompensacijos dydžiai ir sąlygos (2021-09-20) nepasikeitė.
- Šiuo metu galioja nustatyta protezavimo paslaugų teikimo ir išlaidų kompensavimo iš Privalomojo sveikatos draudimo fondo biudžeto tvarka. Pagal šią tvarką teisę į dantų protezavimą, kompensuojamą iš PSDF biudžeto turi šių kategorijų apdraustieji privalomuoju sveikatos draudimu:
- Pensininkams, neįgaliesiems ir asmenims, kuriems buvo taikytas gydymas dėl burnos, veido ir žandikaulių onkologinės ligos iki 586,59 euro,
- Vaikams iki 18 metų – iki 299,37 euro.
- Retesniais atvejais, kai reikalingas sudėtingesnis ir brangesnis gydymas, kompensuojama suma gali siekti iki 1804,86 euro (nustato konsiliumas)
Kreipimosi į TLK eiga:
- Kreiptis į savo šeimos gydytoją arba savo pasirinktos pirminės sveikatos priežiūros įstaigos odontologą, kad jis įvertintų jūsų dantų būklę ir užregistruotų i TLK elektroninę sistemą. Taip jūs darėte ir anksčiau, tačiau dabar jums iš karto išduos „Pranešimą“, patvirtinantį, kad jums paskirtos TLK lėšos protezavimui. Žinokite, kad netgi pametus šį dokumentą, elektroninėje sistemoje sprendimas išliks ir bus matomas jūsų apsilankymo mūsų klinikoje metu.
- Atvykti pas mus į kliniką konsultacijai. Registruojantis konsultacijai, būtinai įspėkite mūsų specialistus apie jums paskirtas TLK lėšas protezavimui. Jei savimi turite tai įrodantį pranešimą – pateikite jį registruojamam asmeniui.
- Pirmosios konsultacijos metu jums bus sudarytas gydymo planas. Jums nutarus, kad jis tinkamas, mūsų specialistai pažymės TLK elektroninėje sistemoje, kad dantų protezavimui jūs pasirinkote odontologijos kliniką „Preidenta“.
- Tolimesnių apsilankymų metu, jums bus suteiktos gydymo plane suderintos protezavimo paslaugos.
- Užbaigus dantų protezavimo procesą, TLK sistemoje bus pažymėta apie jūsų gydymo pabaigą. Esant poreikiui, nuo šios datos praėjus ne mažiau kaip 3 metams, pagal galiojančią tvarką, jūs galėsite kreiptis dėl dantų protezavimo finansavimo iš naujo.
Naudinga žinoti:
- Gydymo plane bus pateikta išsami informacija apie gydymo etapus, bendrą gydymo kainą. Jei pasirinktas gydymo būdas kainuotų daugiau nei paskirta TLK lėšų, bus aiškiai išskirta, kuris dalis kompensuojama, o kurią dalį reikės apmokėti pačiam pacientui.
- Pametus pranešimą apie paskirtą kompensaciją, klinikoje užteks pateikti jūsų asmens dokumentą.
- Dėmesio! Visi dantų protezavimo darbai, atlikti iki jums paskirtų TLK lėšų registracijos elektroninėje sistemoje, nebus kompensuojami.
Kilus neaiškumams kreipkitės į mūsų klinikos gydytoją, jis su malonumu jums viską paaiškins, ir nukreips tolesniems veiksmams mūsų klinikoje

Health insurance
Sveikatos draudimas užtikrina galimybę naudotis odontologinėmis paslaugomis ir už jas atsiskaityti sveikatos draudimo lėšomis. Mūsų odontologijos klinika yra sudariusi odontologinių paslaugų teikimo sutartis su draudimo bendrovėmis „Compensa Vienna Insurance Group“ ir „Compensa Life Vienna Insurance Group SE“. Jums bus suteikta konsultacija ir kitos odontologinės paslaugos, kurių prireiks pagal gydymo planą, tai viena geriausių motyvacijos priemonių darbuotojams.
Sveikatos draudimo likutį galėsite sužinoti mūsų klinikoje pateikus visus reikalingus duomenis. Jums bus suteiktos paslaugos kokybiškai, greitai ir su šypsena.